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Friday, November 12, 2010

In FL at the quiz meet. Hoping to kick some nerd butt. Will post pics on fb

Friday, October 15, 2010

I just dont understand why people do things that they know will hurt them. if you know its going to hurt......... DONT DO IT!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Ah. Unrequited love. there is nothing in the world like it. Your so happy to be in love, but you know nothing will change the fact that they dont love you.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

WOW this is a first.

For the first time in a long time, I'm having a REALLY good day. I mean you would think it would be a bad day, but truth is I feel great! And I don't think there is a lot that could happen that could make my day suck..... but I'm not about to say nothing can make it suck lol, cuz every time I say that someone says of does something that pisses me off or makes me start acting like a bitch for no reason at all. Oh well, I'm not going to think about what could be going wrong, I will keep my head up and keep thinking happy thoughts. I love being happy, and though I may not be as happy as I would like, I will take advantage of it while I can.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

so fucking sick of it

You know what really pisses me off? When people want you to be all excited about something they do or say, or something to do with there dumb ass video games, but the second IO do or say something about something I am interesting in, I get called dumb or told that I should not bring up random things. It hurts. It hurts that the only friends i have, i have nothing in common with. Sometimes I hate being me. I know all of my blogs have been really depressing. I have really depressed lately.

Friday, July 16, 2010

"FRIENDS" *cough cough*

You know whats crazy? Sometimes I miss having people to hang out with, but than, I get around my "friends" and someone says something that huts me and makes me cry...... why am I like this? Why cant i think the way most people do? I get defensive over nothing at all and start acting like a total bitch. I cant sing I cant act i cant dance, i cant write poems books stories or anything like that. I just feel like a waste of time space and energy sometimes. I have no clue why I am the way I am.... I hate it, and right now I hate myself.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Songs That remind me of my past

There are a lot of songs that remind me of a darker time in my past. Hear are a two of the main ones.

Iris: The GooGoo Dolls
Scars: Papa Roach

Its true I do care to much. I had a lot of issues when I was younger. Hell I still have issues, but now I have friends to help me deal, and I try to deal with things in a, shall we say, less painful manner. Well, no thats not true. Now I get tats instead of what I use to do. But hell, anything is better than that. ANYTHING.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


You know what really hurts? When the one thing you have fun doing, the one thing that takes your mind off all the fucked up shit, the one thing that has never hurt you or fucked you over, is the one thing your friends tell you you suck at and should never do. I mean I know, I'm acting like a little kid, but how would you feel if you spent $20 on a game for you and your friends to play, and you got ever so NOT kindly informed that you SUCK ASS at it? Now I must point out that the game I got was Lego Rock Band, and the one thing is singing. Now I am ok on drums, but can only do easy, where as with singing I can do almost ANY song on medium. It just hurts, it hurts really bad. I know I should get the fuck over it, but I really don't know if I can.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Found an awesome new sight that helps me get credits for IMVU for free. Its metaRL. You should all go there and check it out!!!!!!! Really guys check it out!!! By clicking on this it will REALLY help me out a LOTTTTTTTT!!!!!! Like really lol its cool and there are games and stuff and other cool things, I recomend it to all my friends.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ok so get this. Im so sick of people bitching about there relationship issues. I just wish they would stfu. It makes me so sick. Man up or shut up.

Like a 12 year old traped in the body of a 23 year old.

I thought I was past all the childishness that I use to deal with when I was younger. I found out today that I was wrong. I have a crush. Yes a crush. Just admitting it makes me feel lame as fuck.
Now I have not had a "crush" since I was like 13. I have liked guys, I have told said guys I like them, or not told them and just moved on with my life. I have had boyfriends, girlfriends, and lovers. I'm a grown woman, what the HELL am I doing having a crush????
Now I know what your thinking. Your thinking, "Sabrina, whats the difference between a crush and liking a guy?" Well I will tell you. When you like a guy, you just like him, sometimes you know why, sometimes you don't, and most of the time you could really care less. A crush though, its when every time that guy is around you think about him, you want so bad to talk to him, but you cant, you just cant!!!! You don't understand whats wrong with you, you have LOTS of guy friends. You don't normally have trouble talking to guys. But now you do.
That's whats going on with me right now. I have a crush on a guy, and I wanna talk to him, but I have no clue how...... dear sweet goddess...... I hate being a girl sometimes.......

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I have been locked up.

No my dear readers you have not misread. Now yes, I know it has been a wile since my last post, and for this I am sorry, but tonight I feel I have found something I can really blog about with out being a TOTAL ASS!!!!! My college (which shall remain nameless due to the fact that I do not wish to be expelled) dorms have placed us on lock down tonight. Now I am not positive to the extent of which this lock down is nor do I know the amount of time it shall remain intact. I do know that No one is aloud to leave the dorms and return. I also know that they have blocked off the roads. Now correct me if I am wrong, but is that not illegal? There are also poliece officers all over the third floor, mainly outside MY dorm room door. (no not my bed room my dorm room) Tell me my dear friends, what do you know of the goings on tonight? And how do you feel about our current RA being fired due to there total lack of ability to control situations with out blowing things WAY out of proportions? Please show this blog to ALL of your friends, and allow them to voice there opinion on this interesting topic.

Peace Love and Applesauce


Friday, March 26, 2010

Things that suck

You wanna know what really sucks? Being in a house full of happy (or at least relatively happy) people, and feeling like everything is just pointless. I wanna be a happy person, I really do, but it seems to me that every time I find someone or something that makes me happy I have to give it up or in the end its not what I thought it was. This is not be being "emo" and this sure as hell is not me having a pity party. This is me letting it all out. If I keep all of this sadness inside it will just fester like a wound. In the end I will die of sadness. I don't wanna die, least of all of depression. So you all should remember that, I don't wanna die. I do love being alive. Some times things are awesome and sometimes things are good. But most of the time its whatever. Oh well, C'est la vie!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Been a long time

Yep, It has been a long time since I blogged, but that is about to change starting NOW!!!!!! woohoo!!!