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Thursday, April 8, 2010

I have been locked up.

No my dear readers you have not misread. Now yes, I know it has been a wile since my last post, and for this I am sorry, but tonight I feel I have found something I can really blog about with out being a TOTAL ASS!!!!! My college (which shall remain nameless due to the fact that I do not wish to be expelled) dorms have placed us on lock down tonight. Now I am not positive to the extent of which this lock down is nor do I know the amount of time it shall remain intact. I do know that No one is aloud to leave the dorms and return. I also know that they have blocked off the roads. Now correct me if I am wrong, but is that not illegal? There are also poliece officers all over the third floor, mainly outside MY dorm room door. (no not my bed room my dorm room) Tell me my dear friends, what do you know of the goings on tonight? And how do you feel about our current RA being fired due to there total lack of ability to control situations with out blowing things WAY out of proportions? Please show this blog to ALL of your friends, and allow them to voice there opinion on this interesting topic.

Peace Love and Applesauce
